
Intranet template for Joomla was one of the top voted desired template by our members and finally it has been released. This time instead of making html placeholders, we have integrated 3rd party extensions to provide the features. This should bring down the integration time down significantly.

JA Intranet supports DocMan, EasyBlog, EasySocial & EasyDiscuss. FileMan and LogMan support is coming in next version. We are also discussing with TechJoomla to provide support for their LMS extension Shika.

One would need to purchase the integrated extensions separately and to help with that our friends at StackIdeas & JoomlaTools are offering exclusive 20% OFF on their products.

20% OFF Coupon Code : JAINTRA valid till 25th July 2016.

Applicable on all products from StackIdeas & JoomlArt.

Buy now Demo More Info

Important Update : JA Admin template is now available to be purchased as addon and if bought together with any of Joomlart product, get a discount of 25% OFF.

Resources :

Note : FileMan and LogMan support is coming in next version. We are also discussing with TechJoomla to provide support for their LMS extension Shika.