We did a routine bug fix for JA Amazon S3 - Cloudfront CDN Component for Joomla!

JA Amazon S3 - Cloudfront CDN Component for Joomla!version 2.5.4: A Routine Bug fix release
Details can be read at its changelog, and please ALWAYS back up your site before proceeding to the update process.
In case you haven't known, here are a few quick facts about JA Amazon S3:
- Simple Storage Service
- CloudFront & CDN Support
- Multiple Buckets Support
- Cron Job Support
- Multiple Sync Profiles
- And much more, which can be found at JA Amazon S3 extension page.
Upgrade steps.
- View the comparison between versions at JoomlArt Version Updates and replace the affected files, if you have not customized the affected files.
- RECOMMENDED: Use JA extension Manager (JAEM) Component for upgrade. Watch video for how to upgrade using JAEM. Make sure you have latest version of JAEM installed on your site.
Any other issues regarding to the above upgrade, please discuss it in JA Amazon S3 extension forum.