
Products Updates

Joomla Products Updates & Version release info

The Joomla template - JA Social for both Joomla 2.5 just came out with version 2.5.8 and is compatible with the latest version of Jomsocial 3.0.1. JA Social has always been one of the best Joomla social template out there, and is known for its beautiful web typeface, JA Social is simply irresistible.

JA Social now compatible with JomSocial 3.0.1

JA Social now compatible with JomSocial 3.0.1

Details of the upgrade & bug fixes are listed under the Changelog. Please check the changelog and take due backup of all your source files before upgrading the template.

JA Social version 2.5.8 for Joomla 2.5

Upgrade steps.

  • View the comparison between versions at JoomlArt Version Updates and replace the affected files, if you have not customized the affected files.
  • RECOMMENDED: Use JA extension Manager (JAEM) Component for upgrade. Watch video for how to upgrade using JAEM. Make sure you have latest version of JAEM installed on your site.

Please discuss issues related with these updates in the JA Social template forum.

Note: JA Social version 2.5.8 is running on JA T3v2 Framework. The T3 Framework (T3v3) upgrade for Social is on its way. It'll arrive in a couple of week. Until then, stay tuned guys!

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