This weekend, We are releasing
- JA Conf Template with bug fixes and RTL Support
- 2 Joomlabamboo template JB Corporate and JB Italian for bug fixes and Joomla compatiblity.
- Zengrid Framework v5 for Joomla 3.8.5 support and bug fixes.
JA Conf version 1.0.1
- JS - Need restyle new message alert
- IE: Disable horizontal scrollbar
- JS - Should realign icons on message box when view on iphone/ipad
- IE: Can't see module title and page heading
- JS - Login dashboard displays ugly on ipad
- JS - Cant change stream position
- JS - Cant disable login area
- RTL: Tooltip display wrong position
- RTL - Eventbooking: Css error on edit event page
- RTL - Missing style with eventbooking modules
- Eventbooking: Can't see number on calendar module
- RTL - Eventbooking: Css error on invite friend form
- RTL - Eventbooking: Missing style on registration page
- RTL - Jomsocial: Icons and buttons are overlapping
- JomSocial: Frontpage paragraph is auto hidden when disable login area
- RTL - JomSocial: Arrow displays wrong position
- RTL - Jomsocial: Advanced search page need more styled
- Missing image on home page
- RTL - Jomsocial: Stream actions should move to the right
- RTL - Jomsocial: Featured label and setting button are overlapping
- RTL - Jomsocial: Toolbar displays error on Iphone/Ipad
- RTL - Jomsocial: Text and icon are overlapping
Upgrade steps:
- View the comparison between versions at JoomlArt Version Updates and replace the affected files, if you have not customized the affected files.
- Recommended : Use JA Extensions Manager Component for upgrade. Watch video for how to upgrade using JAEM.
Joomlabamboo weekend updates:
JB Italian version 1.3.4
- Cant change module position on design setting
- Got css error when using toggle menu type
- Menu alignment works incorrectly
- Got css error when enable dev mode
- Menu is not highlighted when it's actived
- People talk module displays error on iphone
- Top bar displays ugly on iphone
- Missing image on homepage
- Got css error on bootstrap3 page
- Got error on some components
- Cant show user article and custom field on contact page
- Should restyle forgot username/password page
- Cant edit module on the frontend
- Missing icon font on editor
- Got css error on edit article page
JB Corporate version 3.1.0
- Got Deprecated error after installing quickstart pkg
- Got Error decoding JSON data when upgrade joomla 3.6.5
- Content history and Ajax Interface component doesnt work anymore
- Change facebook icon
- Homepage: make texts on Tabs to center
- Homepage: Restyle for Title
- Homepage: Restyle for button Login
- Homepage: Restyle for Login Popup
- Register Page: style not nice
- Restyle for Reset Page
- Restyle for Remind Page
- Restyle for Email
- Restyle for tooltip
- Restyle for Content detail
- Too much space on News Page
- Restyle for Edit article form
- Restyle for bottom in Login Page
- Restyle for Contact Form
- Edit Article: Restyle for Field Tab
- Restyle for Search Page
- Restyle for smart search
- Logo can't be clickable
- iPhone potrait: CSS error on Login popup
- Iphone: Content is cut off in HomePage
- Iphone Landscape: CSS error on Login Page
- iPhone Landscape: Align content to center on Contact Page
- iPhone: Image of 'From our Blog' Module on bottom too big
- iPhone: Login is too big
- iPhone: CSS error on Menu
- Iphone potrait: Make content to center
- iPhone potrait: CSS error on Login page
- Get error when enable Equalise all module widths
Zengrid Framework verion 5.1.4*
- Updated for Joomla 3.8.5
- Updated for PHP 7.2
- Missing style file when enable dev mode
- Cant change module position on two right sidebar layout
- Can not keep default value when load saved settings
- Save as copy function doesnt work property
- Got error when add less files to compiler
- Module position is displayed on two left sidebar incorrectly