Last week, Builder team released 8 new pages to JA Joomla Page Builder library and today, more new features and improvements are ready. Here is details.
- Color preview
- Add 10 user defined colors
- Change date-time text in Coundown block
- 6 More content blocks
Color preview
The color setting UI is updated to be more friendly and easier for user to configure.
10 user defined colors parameters
We got many requests on how to use their own color. Now, it is easy, there are 10 color parameters for user to add their own color there. In the Setting panel, open the "Color Palettes", scroll down and you will see "User colors" section where you can set your own color to each field.
You can use the color fields to update pages.
Change date-time text in Coundown block
You can now update text in each countdown element. This is useful if you use different language.
6 more content blocks
We are working to build more content blocks and page library, there are 6 more new content blocks and 8 new pages added last week.