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Took us more time than expected to reach RC stage. Well, we were not all that pleased with the structure of the blocks and so we rewrote them, improved workflow and features based on member's feedback. There is still a lot to do but it would be at a much much faster pace and the foundation now is rock solid. JA Joomla Page Builder release candidate version is now available for everyone to try their hands on. Some of the important features are as below:

  • New content block structure
  • Improved editor tool
  • Page import & export
  • Revision history
  • Popular Framework templates and 3rd Party extensions compatibility
JA Builder RC released

JA Builder RC Released with stunning new features

1. New content block structure

The new content block structure makes content update easier and more flexible, you can change content type for any content element, add more content element, more options to configure content element.

#1. Support 8 content types

The new version of JA Builder supports 8 content types:

  • Text
  • Buttons
  • Icons
  • Image
  • Video
  • Social buttons
  • Links
  • Rows: create multiple columns then add content to each column
Supports 8 content types

Supports 8 content types

#2. Add more content element with ease

In each content blocks, you can add more content elements by clone an existing content element in the content block then select content type.

JA Builder RC released

Add more content element to a content block

#3. Multiple options to configure content type

For each content type, it has dedicated options to configure. For example, with button content type, it includes: button shape, border, shadow, icon, etc.

JA Builder RC released

Useful options to configure content element

#4. Configure layout for content element

You can create row, configure width for each row and add content for each column.

JA Builder RC released

Configure content type layout with ease

Will my data be lost ?

The content blocks (from beta version) you added to your site will not be lost but to use new features, you have to replace the old blocks with new content blocks.

2. Improved editor tool

The new editor tool is amazingly simple, hyperlinks and some other minor issues have been fixed.

JA Builder RC released

New editor tool with lots of improvements

3. Page Import and Export

The Page Builder now also supports export and import of pages, now that should make designing landing pages a breeze.

Export and import page data

Export and import page data

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4. Revision ready

Amazing new feature - "revisions" is now available, where one can revert to old changes with ease. The new feature will auto save the changes while editing the page (for now, each revision includes 10 changes). Meaning, after 10 changes, it will be saved as a revision. You can revert to previous revision to revert the content, pretty handy feature.

JA Joomla Page Builder revision is available

Revert content updates with revision

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5. Popular Framework templates and 3rd party extensions compatibility

We tested our page builder tool with popular Joomla Framework templates including T3 Framework, Gantry 5, Helix 3 and Expose and results are encouraging. With few tweaks, our Page Builder works well with all frameworks and we have documented the same as a guide for our users.

JA Builder supports all popular 3rd party extensions

JA Builder is compatible with popular Joomla frameworks

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We did the same with popular 3rd party extensions. We at random tested it with: Virtuemart, Kunena, EasyDiscuss, EasySocial and EasyBlog and all seems good so far.

JA Builder supports all popular 3rd party extensions

JA Builder supports all popular 3rd party extensions

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FREE Download  Live Demo

Win Free Developer membership worth $300

Create stunning landing pages with JA Page Builder tool and submit the link/screenshot HERE. Best 5 creations will win JA Developer membership worth $300 each.

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One of our member from Turkey made this complete site using JA Page Builder (beta). I am sure, with the latest version this guy can do much more, what you think?

Roadmap for next version :

  • More block variations
  • Predeisgned page library
  • Improvements and bug fixes

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