Hi guys
Finally, JA Admin stable version is avaibale for download - Version 1.0.4. The stable version releases with new features, improvements and bug fixes. Here are details:

JA Admin stable version released
1. New feature: Manage admin menu items
The new feature allows administrator to configure to show / hide menu items for each user group.

Manage admin menu items
Administrator can also create custom link and assign it to display for each user group.

Create new admin menu item
Admin can also change the menu items order by drag and drop.

Order menu items by drag and drop
2. Option to show Quicklink group and quicklink item on specific user group's dashboard
In the Quicklink configuration, you can create quicklink groups and quicklink item, for each quicklink group and quicklink item, we add an option to show the quicklink group and quicklink item on specific user group dashboard. This will help you manage quicklink much easier.

Quicklink configuration panel

Assign quicklink item to show on specific user group's dashboard
3. Assign modules to show on dashboard of specific user group
In the Modules configuration panel, we add new option: Show On that allows you to assign modules to show on specific user group's dashboard.

Module configuration
Upgrade steps :
- View the comparison between versions at JoomlArt Version Updates and replace the affected files, if you have not customized the affected files.
- Backup the file:
(this file store the quicklinks configuration you did for the admin template) - Download latest version and install to your site. The new version will override old version.
- Once the installation done, in the dashboard page, hit the "Manage" button and save so the updates will be fully available.
- Copy back the backup file: