The Responsive Joomla template bundle - JA Wall is out today with 3 additional styles including: Vintage, Mirror and iWall, as promised in our previous blog on the latest upgrade for JA Wall to Joomla 3.2.

Responsive Joomla template bundle - JA Wall released with 3 more styles
The 3 additional styles are all stunning, clean yet modern. These 3 styles are also featuring all the highlights that JA Wall does:
- A fully responsive Joomla templates, meaning it looks great not only on wide screen alone, but also remains beautifully on all other screen sizes
- A native Joomla 2.5 & Joomla 3 template
- Dynamic grid layouts
- Undesign approach mixed with a bit flat
- And work seamlessly with the powerful JA Social Feed extension
If you did fall for the 9 statement styles JA Wall embraces, these are simply a must-have to add in your existing Responsive Joomla template bundle. More info on the release can be read at its changelog, or you can compare the release with the previous versions.
Upgrade steps
- View the comparison between versions at JoomlArt Version Updates and replace the affected files, if you have not customized the affected files.
- RECOMMENDED: use JA Extension Manager Component for upgrade. Watch video for how to upgrade using JAEM.
Any issue related to the above updates or suggestions to JA Wall, please leave us a comment in the comment section down below.