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Who is not a fan of Gavick designs? Over the past 10 years, Gavick has been our friendly competitor and between us we have hundreds of top notch for Joomla templates to suit any requirement one may think of.

I am very happy to announce the acquisition of Gavick’s Joomla & Wordpress Template business and the same would be completed by 19th October 2017. This huge acquisition will not only extend our portfolio and variety of Joomla templates, but also provide our current members and members to be (Gavick’s) with more benefits and options for their web development projects.

GavickPro acquired by JoomlArt

JoomlArt acquires

I personally have enjoyed a very healthy working relationship with Robert Gavick and was glad to collaborate with him on the T3 Framework, which they used in some of their templates few years back. That was testimony of his trust in our framework and probably this working relationship is what has today got GavickPro to JoomlArt’s fold.

You may want to read the Gavick’s Blog Post regarding this announcement.

Benefits for JoomlArt’s users :

Certainly our existing users (including JomSocial and iJoomla) would be benefiting with this new addition and they would be able to access the huge template collection of Gavick’s at discounted rates, as we roll out exclusive internal promotions in the coming weeks..

Benefits for Gavick’s users :

Well, since this acquisition does not include gavick’s user database, we will first have to request existing gavick users to register with us by following the link below.