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Update: We've developed a new basetheme from the ground up for Magento 2. Check it out in the live demo of UB MegaMall theme here

Magento extension JM Basetheme is our ambition to deliver one of the best tools for Magento geeks to customize our Magento themes.

For just a little look back, there was a time we got stuck with default colors like Black, White, Blue, Red and so on. You wished for a touch out-of-default? Our Magento team did offer a CSS file in which you could modify the codes yourself, provided that you had time to kill and experience about CSS.

It was not convenient at all, so it came the launch of JM Basetheme - a powerful tool in which you could personalize sites with our Magento themes at ease. Here comes livelier shades of colors - Emerald, Maroon, Ghostwhite, Turquoise, LavenderBlush, whatever in just some clicks!

Magento extension JM Basetheme back-end settings

JM Basetheme back-end with fruitful settings for you to customize!

Friendly interface, easy to use, unlimited color schemes, and control in detailed basis – no wonder why JM Basetheme has been immediately named in our must-have Magento extensions list for any Magento Webmaster. Not stopping here, with the upgraded version 1.1.0, JM Basetheme is totally renovated with responsive features that may amaze you!

1. JM Basetheme 1.1.0 - What's new?

In the original version, Magento extension JM Basetheme lacked of options when it came to layouts for mobile devices. Knowing the responsive design trend, we have upgraded our extension with the settings for mobile and tablet layout respectively!

To illustrate, view some snapshots about how JM Basetheme assists to change the number of products on a line and size of products displayed on Category list on mobiles...

Magento extension JM Basetheme Mobile settings

JM Basetheme back-end with Mobile settings

… and on tablets as below.

Magento extension JM Basetheme Tablet settings

JM Basetheme back-end with Tablet settings

Change some values and see what we’ve got after a few finger moves!

Magento extension JM Basetheme effect in Mobile and Tablet

Results of front-end on Mobiles and Tablets with JM Basetheme

Quick and easy! All the settings are applied immediately after being saved. Indeed, JM Basetheme is really practical if you want to personalize our responsive Magento themes - you can win customers’ attention on no matter what devices they use!

2. JM Basetheme - Features at a glance

Magento extension JM Basetheme with various settings

JM Basetheme back-end settings

Not to forget other features of this Magento extension! The first outstanding features of JM Basetheme are the Themes settings that allow you to select colors or patterns for your header, footer along with body background. This feature is really helpful especially if you intend to customize our Magento themes with textured design.

Magento theme backgrounds with JM Basetheme

Various theme backgrounds with JM Basetheme

Furthermore, Magento extension JM Basetheme supports Product List / Grid Layout Settings to define the layout for the product list.

With list view option, you can determine the width and height per product image. With the grid view option, you can control how many columns you wish to display as well as details per grid: dimension of product images, limitation for short description or even labels for any product list.

JM Basetheme supports different options for product list view

Selective applications of JM Basetheme for product grid view

More than that, Related product list is ready in JM Basetheme – it’s you who chooses whether the list appears or not and defines the number of products as well as the dimension for each related image.

JM Basetheme supports flexible Related product block

Flexible Related product block in JM Basetheme

Also remember that your creativity is well preserved! If you have plentiful ideas to switch around, all of them will be saved and can be edited, cloned and restored in Profile Settings so that you never have to be afraid of losing data while configuring.

To sum up, JM Basetheme boosts up the management level over our Magento theme personalization at least sweat. You can make your eCommerce shop your masterpiece with a little help from such a practical Magento extension!

3. Road map

Guys, we have updated 2 Magento themes with JM Basetheme version 1.1.0, which are JM Crafts – graceful responsive Magento theme for handmade shops and JM Haga – dynamic Magento theme for fashion shops.

Stay tuned: we are soon to update more responsive Magento themes such as JM Lingerie, JM Hawkstore and JM Siotis with the latest version of this handy Magento extension!

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