1T3 Framework to be the Solid Core for JA Templates
- Currently T3 framework is Mobile Ready, supports RTL Natively, Multi Layouts capabilities, CSS Sprites and Mega menu support [guide].
- More features will be added to T3 Framework and refinement of the features would be an ongoing process.
- Improvised Mega Menu implementation coming up. It can't be easier than this (for now)....
2 JA Drupal Template club is here

- With Drupal 7 on the horizon, JoomlArt is set to add Drupal templates into its portfolio and JA Drupal Template Club is coming up in 2010, backed by JA world class quality and support.
- As a tradition JD Purity will be the first one to roll out, worth waiting for.
3 Support hours will be reduced to 12 hours response time

- With more support staff induction and regulated working shifts, It is planned to bring the support response down from 24 hrs to 12 hrs.
- Checkout for recruitment drive, on JA Blog / Forums.
4 Important Enterprise Solution to be released

- JA Comment is the new enterprise extension coming up, Its fully loaded with features, check out its preview in the coming days.
- Its difficult to miss the Toolbar on JA Main site and on forum. Yes, that's another Enterprise extension coming up. JA Toolbar (also have Free / Service version as #6)
- Our members are to get better versions of JA Job Board and JA Voice, as these extensions walk onto the roadmap.
5 Additions to JAEC Club

- JA GForm component will help our users to get the maximum out of Google Spreadsheets, Use JA GForm and get the results / submissions populated directly into Google Spreadsheet. This comes with an easy to use interface and layouts options.
- As mentioned in the above point, JA Toolbar will be coming up as free solution as service for our members, checkout the next point.
6 JoomlArt Goes Services - Solutions as service for JA Users

JA Extensions as Services for members, who find it difficult to buyout our Enterprise extensions.
- JA Toolbar >> Make one for your site and get the Javascript for your toolbar from our site without worrying about installing or hosting. JA shall put your toolbar on our Cloud servers for free.
- JA Gform >> Simplify data collection from your forms. Get everything in right place in Google Spreadsheets. JA GForm will enhance your Google Docs Form with a few clicks. Copy it and paste it in your site and get going.
7 JA is head hunting & hiring

Equal Employment Opportunities is what JA believes in, only the best gets the job. If you think, you have it in you, then checkout the recruitment drive on JA blog / forum in the coming days.
- JA is expanding base and is on Look out for talented experienced guys / gals.
- International recruiting for various position. We may consider working in many working shifts & timings in the coming days.
8JoomlArt Design Contest to be launched

- Put your designer skills to test, submit your template designs to JA Contest and winners get cash prizes / membership or both. Winning entries get the chance to become JA template.
- Keep checking our Blog for Details on how and when?
9 Upgrades for JA Goldies

- T3 framework is a hit and looking towards its flexibility and usability. Alteast 50 % of JA old templates, would be ported to T3 framework in the coming months.
- JA Mesolite II and JA Zeolite II are the first two coming out as bonus templates.
- All these templates would be bonus templates and would be released at a frequency of 1-2 per month.
10 Smart updates via JA Update Service
Install / Uninstall is the thing of past
- Get the maximum out of JA this year. Updating to newer version would never be easy.
- A Giant step in providing the best of solutions to its esteemed members, JA Update service shall provides updates for its templates and extensions, in easy to use interface and upgrade steps.
- The only kind of update service to be offered by anyone in Joomla ! world.