Hi there, the JoomlArt team wishes you happy Hallow's Eve. Get together with you loved ones and hope you'll enjoy some creepy nights. On this occasion we would like to thank all our members, the loyal developers and designers who are with us through all times. We have a little gift for you prepared.
Free JA Pumpkin module: Get a Flying Halloween Pumkini for your site

We have received a lot excitement about the funny animation feature, that we call Mr. Flying Pumkini. The idea came as we are about to create a module to animate graphics that we are using for the JA event template [preview]. Using this module you can make any images move and control some of its behaviour.
What's now?
It will take you less than 5 minutes to get the Scary Pumpkin flying on your site. View the full feature list and and download now.
What's next?
We are assiduously working on a release within the next day, right now we are adding some extra features to the animation module to increase it's usability such as:
- Add several default graphics into a package including some useful animation presets
- Click to pin the graphic, click again to release it again. Double click to hide.
- Provide more sophisticated movement trajectories: straight, loops, sines, random.
- Option to choose whether the graphic stays within the visible screen area (= relative) or it will have absolute coordinates to move along, but if you scroll out of it's position you won't see the graphic.
The currently visible flying pumpkin is only one option of our upcoming JA Animation module that goes with some default presets you can choose from. Think of funny presets like Halloween pumpkin or ghost, balloons, twitter bird, Christmas Santa, trucks, cars or how about your a portrait of your dog, grandma ... ? You name it.
We will provide it as a free module and you can use it on your own site for seasonal promotions, sponsor advertisement or just to make it fun once a while.
And...last but not least

On this special even, JA would like to offer an 25% off promotion on all products from now to the end of Halloween night.
To get the discount, enter the coupon codes: scary2010 at the last step of the signup.
It's 48 hours promotion only, take it or the coupon will be expired soon.