Joomla! 1.6 is being released today as General Availability, or in other words, Joomla 1.6.0. This is a huge milestone for the Joomla project, and JoomlArt would like to thank the entire Joomla Community for making this happen.
It has taken a lot of work, dedication, planning and execution from a lot of great minds to bring the world’s best Free and Open Source Content Management System to us, but it’s finally here!

Joomla 1.6 Video Tutorial Series
JoomlArt has been working hard to produce the Joomla 1.6 Video Tutorial Series that covers many of the new Joomla 1.6 Features, and will take you step by step through the Joomla 1.6 release:
- Joomla 1.6 Introduction Video Tutorial
- Joomla 1.6 Installation Video Tutorial
- Joomla 1.6 Features Video Tutorial
- Joomla 1.6 Templates Video Tutorial
- Joomla 1.6 Modules Video Tutorial
- Joomla 1.6 Plugins Video Tutorial
Joomla 1.6 Template Framework
JoomlArt will be releasing several Joomla 1.6 Templates over the next 2 weeks!
The JoomlArt Community has been testing the world’s best Joomla 1.6 Template Framework for the past few weeks on the JoomlArt T3v2 Joomla 1.6 Template Framework Demo Site with great success, and you can download the JoomlArt T3v2 Template Framework for Joomla 1.6 right now absolutely FREE!
Joomla 1.6 Extensions
JoomlArt has already released over 20 Joomla 1.6 Extensions and more are on the way!
We know you are anxious to start testing and building new websites with the Joomla 1.6 CMS and JoomlArt wants to make sure you have the Templates and Extensions to help make your site a success! You can view all of the JoomlArt updated Joomla 1.6 Extensions on the JoomlArt Joomla 1.6 Extension Demo Site.
More Joomla 1.6 News and Celebration
JoomlArt is working directly with several members of the Joomla Community to bring you even more exciting Joomla 1.6 Templates, Extensions, Tutorials and information over the coming weeks and months! This is just the beginning of our Joomla 1.6 Celebration and we hope you enjoy what we have so far!
Please let us know your thoughts in the comments below! We love to hear your feedback!
Thanks again to the Joomla Community for making Joomla 1.6 and JoomlArt Rock!