

Joomla! 4 is the latest major release of Joomla! CMS and this will be Long Term Support (LTS) version. Joomla 4 brings a huge upgrade to the CMS, amazing new features, raises the minimum supported PHP version to PHP 7.2.5, as well as removes previously deprecated functionality. Joomla 4 also comes with a completely new admin interface and new front-end template.

Joomla 4 RC4 was just released on 13 July 2021, we’ve also been working to make our products compatible with them. Please check our updated product support Lifecycle and the Joomla 4 upgrade.

1. Joomla! Project Roadmap

Joomla timeframes of releases and semantic versions

joomla project roadmap

Joomla 4

Joomla! 4.0 will be the first release of the next Joomla! major release series.

4.0.0 Alpha 12 17 October 2019
4.0.0 Beta 7 02 February 2021
4.0.0 RC 1 1 June 2021
4.0.0 RC 2 15 June 2021
4.0.0 RC 3 29 June 2021
4.0.0 RC 4 13 July 2021
4.0.0 RC 5 27 July 2021 (planned)
4.0.0 RC 6 10 August 2021 (planned)
Stable August 2021 (planned)

Joomla! 3.10

In preparation for Joomla! 4.0, Joomla! 3.10 will primarily be a release containing backports of API changes from the 4.0 development branch to help ease the transition to the next major release for the community. It is planned for 3.10 and 4.0 to release simultaneously.

Alpha 9 13 July 2021
RC 1 27 July 2021 (planned)
RC 2 10 August 2021 (planned)
Stable August 2021 (planned)

Joomla! 3.x

Joomla! 3.x is the currently supported major release series of the CMS.

Release Date of Series September 27, 2012
3.9.28 06 July 2021
End of Support for 3.x 2 years after 3.10 is released

2. Product support life cycle

Product support overview of our Joomla templates (since 2013)

product support life cycle

With an aim to outline our commitment for providing support to released Joomla templates over the years, we have come up with a simple timeline illustrating our approach for future updates and support for the templates released over the past 8 years. Now, since Joomla! release strategy keeps on changing, for our timeline we are using tentative dates for future versions and our plan.

Please note, the information below depends a lot on Joomla! CMS road map, therefore the information here is subject to change.

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  • Joomla 3.x support - Joomla! 3 retiring as Joomla! 4 come to Life. Joomla! 3.9, as the final release, will be supported for a period of two years once it is released.
  • Joomla 4.x support - We would be upgrading all T4 framework templates and plan T3 framework templates from 2014 to Joomla 4.x.

Code Freeze - We plan to put some of our older templates to Code freeze - templates released before 2014. Let me explain what it would really mean and if you should be worried or not :

  • All of Joomla 3.x templates will be updated and maintained over its lifespan - 2 years after 3.10 is released.
  • Once in code freeze phase, no new feature or version upgrade would be released with exception of security fixes. No Joomla version upgrades or framework upgrades would be applied.
  • Average product life of templates from the first release to code freeze is around 6-8 years. Code freeze of templates over the years would help us to maintain a healthy advanced template portfolio for you to choose from which would be advanced in terms of technology and design.
  • Lets face it, with so many technological / feature changes in the Joomla, as well as advances in the scripting (backend/ frontend) and not to mention the groundbreaking advances in UI / UX, design concepts every year renders a Template life spanning around just 5 years. Beyond which a site redesign and restructuring is warranted.


Besides providing life cycle visualization for our Joomla templates the aim is also to assure our members of longer life of our products as compared with others. The information above and illustration in the support life cycle chart is for information purposes only and is subjected to changes based on changes to Joomla! release strategy and internal policy decisions.

3. Joomla 4 update

Product update plan and status for Joomla 4

Joomla 4 templates and extensions update plan

Joomla 4 is a major release with huge update at core, framework and technologies, to upgrade to Joomla 4, it will take effort of development and testing. Below is our Joomla 4 product update plan, the plan is based on the product support life cycle, product usage and product's technology. All outdated products are not planned to be updated to Joomla 4

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All active support products will be updated to Joomla 4:

  • T4 Framework is native with Joomla 4. It is ready for Joomla 4 RC4. You can download and check it out: download T4 Framework for Joomla 4
  • T4 Framework templates: All T4 Framework Joomla templates will be updated to Joomla 4
  • T3 Framework and T3 templates from 2014 will be updated to Joomla 4
  • T4 Page builder and JA Page builder are planned to be updated
  • Active JA Extensions will be updated to Joomla 4


We plan to update 40 latest Joomla templates and active Joomla extensions to Joomla 4.


JomSocial component, 4 themes, 3 pro templates and 17 add-ons will be updated to Joomla 4


We plan to update 30 latest Joomla templates and active extensions to Joomla 4. Out dated products will be on Joomla 3.


Joomlabamboo products are not yet confirmed to be updated to Joomla 4, it is still under the plan.

We do give the option to switch JB Pro membership to JA Pro that will give full access for all JA Templates. If you have any questions or request kindly submit a ticket on our helpdesk here.


Guru Pro will be updated to Joomla 4, other extensions: Ad Agency Pro, iSEO Pro, Publisher Pro is not confirmed yet.

DTH Development

DT Register is planned to be updated to Joomla 4. Other extensions: DT Donate, DT SMS will be on Joomla 3.

Can I update my website from 3.9.x to Joomla 4 RC4 ?

The simple answer here is yes. Not on a production site of course, but if you want to test the update to Joomla 4, now you can.

In order to upgrade from 3.9.x to Joomla 4, you have to go via the latest 3.10 release. There is no direct upgrade path between 3.9 and 4.x planned nor supported. All upgrades go via 3.10.

Joomla 3 to Joomla 4 migration guide

4. Get Support

Joomla 4 discussion, support forum, product request

Joomla 4 templates and extensions update plan

👍 Let us know if you have you have questions, suggestions in the comment box below or in our discussion forum

How will Joomla 4 also benefit me?

Joomla 4 Security

Running a site with state of the art well written code helps you stay ahead when it comes to security. With many architecture changes designed to maximize security and keep hackers out, you can be assured that moving to Joomla 4 is a wise choice. The benefits are countless when it comes to ensuring you and your clients data are as well protected as they can be.

Joomla 4 Accessibility

Whatever size your site is, accessibility is a must, and from the start Joomla 4 delivers best in class accessibility. The layout, contrast and infrastructure all have accessibility built in so all your visitors will benefit. We have aimed for W3C Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 (with AA compliance)

Joomla 4 Workflows

Workflows help you to run your site efficiently, making sure that the jobs that need to get done are done and by the right people. Combined with the many improvements in the media manager, content writers will love the new workflow and media manager.

Joomla 4 Emails

Deliver customised emails that welcome and inform your website's audience effectively! With the new email template system it's easier than ever to make the emails your site sends be on message and on brand. Now you can take your site to the next level when communicating with your customers.

Joomla 4 Search

Search is a boost to any site. It allows your visitors to hone in on the areas they are interested in, increasing engagement and improving your sites ranking. So when it comes to search look no further, Joomla 4 smart search has many improvements over previous Joomla search and is the best to date.

View Joomla 4 new features and tutorials