
If you haven’t seen the JoomlArt 2010 Recap post here on the blog, we covered alot of what JoomlArt Template Club did during the past year, but also touched on a few things we have planned for 2011. The JoomlArt Community continues to grow at a frantic pace, and we are working hard to make your experience at JoomlArt even better. Here’s some of what’s in store in the coming weeks.

JoomlArt Community Update January 2011

JoomlArt Prepares for the Release of Joomla 1.6

First up, the JoomlArt Documentation, Training and Support Team has started producing a series of JoomlArt Joomla 1.6 Training Videos. I've personally been working with Danny on these, and I have to say, he's been doing an outstanding job at covering not just the basics, but showing users every detail of the new features available in Joomla 1.6. This looks to be a great series of Videos that should help even veteran Joomla users get more out of the new Joomla 1.6 release. Keep up to date on the latest information right here on the JoomlArt blog.

JoomlArt Community Podcast

JoomlArt Gets Vocal With a New Podcast in the JA Media Center

Another new feature we are planning this month is the upcoming JoomlArt Podcast to the JoomlArt Media Center. What's a podcast? That's an audio recording you can listen to online, or download to your ipod or favorite mp3 player. We plan to release a new episode every month, and want to feature some of the great JoomlArt Community Members on the show, as well as the latest happenings not only here at JoomlArt, but also around the Joomla, Drupal and Magento Communities.

JoomlArt Site of the Month Contest Reloaded

As if that's not enough, the JoomlArt Community has been known to have a Site of the Month Contest in the past, and we were thinking it might be a good idea to bring that back to life. So look for the new JoomlArt Site of the Month Contest Reloaded coming very, very soon! We plan to have a blog post up here in a few weeks that will give the full details of the contests we want to run, and hope that this will give all our members a chance to win some really cool prizes. We've simplified the rules a bit, and hope to make it an even better contest this time around.

JoomlArt Documentation and Forum Support Improvements

And finally, we have plans to improve our Forums and Documentation in the coming weeks. We'll be reorganizing some of the forums, but also, we will be rolling out categorized documentation that should make it easier for you to find the latest information on all the JoomlArt Products. While we get our docs in order, we plan to update the screenshots and verify the information and links in each document are correct. This will take some time to accomplish, but we hope to make it easier for members to find what they need, when they need it.

Look for JoomlArt Community Updates each Thursday on the JoomlArt Blog and keep your eye out in the forums for the latest updates and changes to make your membership here at JoomlArt even better. If you've got news you want us to share on the podcast, a question about a product or service we offer here at JA, or simply think we could be doing something better, find me on the forum or on twitter @robertvining and I'll be glad to talk to you more about it.