
Gangnam, Obama, Syria, Greece, Israel, London, Hurricane, NASA, Whitney Houston, Gunmen, space jump, God particle and a lot more keywords to summarize 2012. For us in 2012 the keyword was responsive design as most of our work has been impacted by RWD. Besides, keywords like JA Elastica, JA Wall, T3v3, J! 3.0 are also popular keywords popping across our social channels.

JA Elastica and JA Wall

Responsive Web Design goes mainstream

With JA Elastica our first experiment and free template we gained responsive design experience. Right after that with the pinterest hype we produced JA Wall , our next RWD masterpiece. All in all, the first quarter was about those 2 ground breaking Joomla templates.

At the end RWD shaped our minds and the way we develop Joomla templates and it finally hit T3v2 which evolved to T3v3, the result of our first steps in RWD and the move from Joomla 2.5 to Joomla 3.0.

Evolution from T3v2 to T3v3

With the input of all the user’s feedback, the creativity of our R&D team, the experience from JA Elastica and JA Wall the output is our first release T3v3 at the end of 2012 .

Joomla 3.0 took its major move to RWD. We have upgraded the source code of 39 extensions and 41 templates to Joomla 2.5, including 4 compatible with Joomla 3.0. A continuous step by step to prepare our templates for Joomla 3.5.

International and regional support for Joomla

Joomla events supported by JoomlArt

We have supported four Joomla events in New York, India, Romania and Poland and last but not least the Joomla World conference in November. This is our contributions to train, spread and grow Joomla! to the world.

At the end of the year we had the idea to boost the Joomla! community by introducing the Joomla! humble bundle project. Our hope is that more Joomla! events will be supported with this $1M fund. Big partners are already joining us to achieve this mission. Partners who are also among our buddy list.

JoomlArt buddies

JoomlArt buddies

Since 2012 we offer to all our JA members discounts for popular Joomla and OpenSource buddies. If you missed this check-out the buddy page and receive dozens of discounts.

Go for Drupal and WordPress

Drupal and WordPress Themes

To learn more about other CMS and extend our business we have build a dedicated team for Drupal which develops Drupal themes under the brand name Since July 2012 we offer Premium Drupal themes for all Drupal fans.

In the 3rd quarter of 2012 a small team of us launched . DesignWall is our baby for WordPress. For both new places and products the team started right away to implement responsive themes. A trend we continue with Drupal and WordPress.

What happened to Magento?

We have upgraded all our 32 magento themes to the latest version and added all the themes to the magento marketplace. With JM Neros as our first responsive Magento theme, ecommerce sites are now accessible for mobile devices, too.

2012 was just the beginning of responsive design, it will become mainstream as indicated by mashable in their blog post about web design trends for 2013.

A short Outlook for 2013

  • Improve customer support and customer experience
  • Improve/Optimize T3v3
  • Reach the humble bundle goal
  • End of life of some templates and extensions

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