We love Joomla!Great event, great conference, great friends & great Joomla! JandBeyond 2010 - It was so amazing! And having had a chance to be there as both an attendee and speaker, presenting the JoomlArt JA T3 Framework, I have to say it is one of the best conferences I have ever been to. Not only is it an "academic" conference where people can share knowledge & experience, but it is also a fun & community spirit building event.


In John Brett words. John Brett is our Forum Super Moderator and attended this function

You just had to know Joomla Day New England was going to be quite different!  And JoomlArt just had to be a part! 

But when I packed my bags and headed out on the 11 hour,  700+ kilometers drive due north of Washington, D.C....past Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, and Boston...into the tranquil hills and tiny villages of southern Vermont...little did I realize the welcome I would receive.  (see picture)

I know!...but hang in there.  It actually all makes sense!


We just launched our Design Competition at 99designs.com. The plan is to choose the best of the designs and present to our members as Bonus Template. So, designers stand to win $ 2500 for the best design and all of our members are sure to get the bonus template. So everyone, is a winner here :)

Go on and read the brief about the whole design requirement [update : the contest is closed]


Hallo all JA members, Just want to let all know that JA contest running on 99design.com has been extended by one more week and is available for entry submission till 2/Aug/2010.

Why it is extended?

The contest has been running on 99design.com for 2 weeks now and Guess what, we have received 100 entries till today. However, it looks like we have NOT received any design from JA members so it might have been ignored by many talents amongst our 200,000 members. Thus, we have decided to extend it by one more week so that you can take time to put efforts and have the chance to win the cash. The prize is increased! As a plus, the winner will be awarded with a free 1 year - JA Developer Membership (cost of $499) along with the original prize of$2500. Hurry, entry acceptance closes by 2/Aug...


As you know, at the end of June we completely relaunched our site in Joomla 1.5 and redesigned the look and feel. We have been receiving great feedback and thought we should share our case study with the community. We will describe in short the process our team went through. But don't be scared, we do not write screeds about how to upgrade Joomla1.0 to 1.5x. Rather we will tell you why we completely revamped our website – what are the main objectives are we trying to achieve.


Hi there, the JoomlArt team wishes you happy Hallow's Eve. Get together with you loved ones and hope you'll enjoy some creepy nights. On this occasion we would like to thank all our members, the loyal developers and designers who are with us through all times. We have a little gift for you prepared.

Free JA Pumpkin module: Get a Flying Halloween Pumkini for your site


Nowadays it's nothing new to people, the concept "Try It Before You Buy". Especially in beauty shops you are offered to test free trial sized products like shampoo or lotions for instance. So the question is, does it make any sense, if the product is of low quality owners would let anybody test before paying? NO of course not! They firmly trust in the quality of their own products which allows them to approach new customers with a free sample trial.


On behalf of the whole JoomlArt team I wish you all the best for the year 2011. May most of your resolutions will get realized.

Only some hours left for most of you until the old year is gone. We would like to devote these last few hours rethinking about what has been achieved by our team and what not. We had a very ambitious plan at the beginning of 2010. We could not accomplished all our targets, but what we could is not too bad either:


If you haven’t seen the JoomlArt 2010 Recap post here on the blog, we covered alot of what JoomlArt Template Club did during the past year, but also touched on a few things we have planned for 2011. The JoomlArt Community continues to grow at a frantic pace, and we are working hard to make your experience at JoomlArt even better. Here’s some of what’s in store in the coming weeks.


Welcome Drupal 7

Tomorrow JAN 7th there will be a big Drupal 7 Release party, held on every place around the globe, in big cities and in small villages. Meetings with over 100+ enthusiasts but also little groups of 10 guys are coming together. The list of attendees may vary. But not the euphoria of an open-minded ("open-source") community of Drupal developers, themers and users to receive Drupal 7.
