

What has happened with our little brother ThemeBrain?

Time passes by quickly. The last blog post about our Drupal theme was 8 months ago with the announcement that we move to the domain Since the announcement our team has shipped one Drupal theme per month, so far 11 Drupal themes which are all based on Nucleus and they are all still available for free.
We have received in the past 8 months a lot of feedback and took those customer and user feedbacks into the development of Nucleus and our themes. It is time to start to step up to the next level with — real premium Drupal themes. And of course... the first premium Drupal theme is responsive.

What will happen with all our Drupal content on

We will leave the forum open for everyone to read. The forum groups will be non-writable. The showcase we will still keep for a certain time and inform in the theme’s description that the Drupal themes has been moved to Steadily Drupal will disappear on so one day ThemeBrain will be self-sustainable and our Drupal developers and stylers have 1 single source of contact which is ThemeBrain. No more confusion and conflicts.

What will our existing JD members get?

We promised that our JD members will get free access for 1 year after we launch our premium membership. As have decided to offer single or bundle download instead of membership subscription, all JD members are granted to access our next premium themes for 1 year starting with the day of the stable release.

Note: ThemeBrain won't release monthly Drupal themes as the team focus on quality at this phase. That means our Drupalist can expect every 2-3 months something awesome!

What do others say about ThemeBrain?

The facts show that Nucleus and our Drupal themes have good user feedback.

Heidbrink, Lutz
Web Developer


"[...] I am thinking about to switch back from Joomla and Wordpress to Drupal again and Nucleus is one big big reason to do it. Love playing around with it so far... Keep up the great work. regards."

Hannah, John
RedPoint Founder


"[...] Methys, is also from ThemeBrain. It's has all the bells and whistles of Sirate, but is quite different from many other free themes with regard to design. It's a sophisticated, feminine theme, something you don't see much of from the male-dominated theme developer community. Methys would be perfect for a magazine or fashion retail site targeted at women."

"first good #drupal free themes , still can't believe that exist cc @themebrain" (@valic)

"I just noticed @themebrain releasing a whole bunch of new Drupal themes. Only 4 wks already 536 sites using base theme" (@learningdrupal)

For all future news and updates please visit from time to time the ThemeBrain blog. That's all for now. For any questions, please comment below or send our ThemeBrain team an email to