This summer, JA Playmag - the latest responsive Joomla template from JoomlArt will give your online game magazine a special boost in both design and interaction with gamers. Let take a closer look at JA Playmag, and uncover its gems.
Must have features of an interactive magazines

JA Playmag with T3 Framework at core
JA Playmag is packed with the all the must have of today magazine:
- Fully responsive Joomla Template
- RTL language layout (coming soon)
- Megamenu and off-canvas menu
- Support K2 and Kunena
With the powerful T3 framework with Bootstrap 3 at heart, JA Playmag ensures best mobile experience for the gamers/readers. You can easily tweak the template’s CSS properties using ThemeMagic without knowing deep about coding and CSS styling.
Equipped with Megamenu on computer and Off-Canvas on mobile and tablet devices, these features will help the gamers stay comfortable looking at the screen and connected while on the go.
Blogging with K2 Component

Blogging with K2 Component
The well known K2 Component brings the CCK (content construction kit) power to the gamer. With the custom K2 theme for game magazines, writers are free to create whatever content that resonates with the gamers community, be it casual gamers or hardcore gamers.
Special Review Pages

JA Playmag with Special Game Review pages
We ensure that no gaming enthusiasts are left behind in this Joomla template, so our designers take the Game Review page to a whole new level with bold headline and big shot images, custom article info with game related fields i.e. Publisher, Published Date, and Platform; not to mention the rating system with point and ranking.
Gamer style for Kunena

Kunena styled forum with JA Playmag
The time of solo gamer is long gone, and this template is by gamers for gamers; so we integrate the best free Joomla forum extension Kunena as a place for gamers gathering, discussion, and also community.
Built-in 7 extensions for online gaming magazines

Built-in 7 extensions for online gaming magazines
- JA Facebook LikeBox Module to attract more Facebook likes from your content
- Display your selected content with cool sliding effectsJA Content Slider Module
- Show off your masthead with titles, images and short descriptions with JA Masshead Module
- Integrate AddThis, AddToAny bookmarking tool into Joomla articles with JA Bookmark plugin
- Integrate IntenseDebate and Disqus into Joomla and K2 articles JA Disqus Debate plugin
- JA Slideshow Lite Module
- JA Newsticker Module
4 theme colors

JA Playmag with 4 theme colors
With the gaming spirit, JA Playmag will capture the attention of game readers with dark tone and bold design, stunning headlines and texts. JA Playmag comes in 4 engaging colors: Orange, Red, Green, and Blue.
It’s the summer treat from JoomlArt for all gaming fans. We’d love to hear your thoughts on this Joomla template for Online Gaming Magazines - JA Playmag!