
JoomlArt has released September responsive Joomla template for Portfolio JA Jason. This template - JA Jason - is the first JA template featured Hikashop eCommerce solution with a tagline ‘Home is where your work is!’. Let find out why we say this!

What's new: (since last preview)

  • [Added] 5 more homepage options
  • [Supported] 6 header styles.
  • [Added] options for Hikashop component display
  • [Updated] Isotope (masonry) layout for better transition
  • [Supported] All layouts (check drop down menu for layout links)

JA Jason sports the successful recipe of JoomlArt in recent Joomla templates development, including:

  • Responsive Joomla template with T3 Framework
  • RTL language layout
  • Megamenu and off-canvas menu
  • K2 component
  • Hikashop component
T3 Framework with Bootstrap 3

T3 Framework with Bootstrap 3

T3 Framework with Bootstrap 3 is a must-have yet versatile tool for Joomla developers. Imagine how much time you will save with ThemeMagic and Layout Configurator? You’ll be creating and transforming existing beautiful Joomla template into a desire project in almost no time.

We know there’s a lot of guys can’t live without K2 component when it comes to Joomla blogging. Well, neither do us! With their CCK, things can be pretty simple for the bloggers.

Multiple homepage options

Multiple homepage options

Multiple homepage options with JA Jason

It’s time for the tagline ‘Home is where your work is!’. And yes, I can be so sure about that with our responsive Joomla template for Portfolio JA Jason. For the first time in JoomlArt history, we offers six homepage options for the builders.

This allows you to showcase your works in a variety of ways in the homepage. The options ranges from traditional layouts to video background, masonry layout, and slideshow… I think you might get frustrated to decide what layout suits your project best. Well, I can’t help you on this!

Shopping with Hikashop component

Shopping with Hikashop component

Shopping with Hikashop component

It’s also the first time Hikashop component featured in a JoomlArt template. Our friends recommend to use it. This eCommerce solution will help the designer not only showcase their products, but also make real money with their hard works.

RTL language layouts ready

RTL language layout of JA Jason

RTL language layout of JA Jason

If your friend want to have Right to Left language layout for her Joomla portfolio, let use JA Jason. We make it RTL language ready from the very beginning.

Blogging with K2 Component

Blogging with K2 Component

Blogging with K2 Component

3 colors available

3 colors available

3 colors available

JA Jason gets styled with three colors: Green, Blue, and Orange. And the color style is minimal enough to emphasize the products portfolio.

Supporting Joomla extensions for JA Jason

Supporting Joomla extensions for JA Jason

Supporting Joomla extensions for JA Jason

  • A Extension Manager
  • A Slideshow Lite Module
  • A Twitter Module
  • A Popup Plugin
  • 3 Framework Plugin


We build JA Jason with our successful recipe, though we have added some special spices to keep it original yet useful for the users.

Try JA Jason and tell us your thoughts, we’d love all your comments and feedback.