

Joomla! 4 is the latest major release of Joomla! CMS and this will be Long Term Support (LTS) version. Joomla 4 brings huge upgrade to the CMS. Apart from numerous new features, improvements at core, Joomla 4 also comes with a completely new admin interface and new front-end template.

Joomla 4 RC4 was just released on 13 July 2021, we’ve also been working to make our products compatible with them.

When is the Joomla 4 stable version release due?

The latest Joomla 4 RC4 released on 13 July 2021. There is no fixed release date for Joomla 4 stable version but new Joomla 4 Release Candidate (RC) is released every two weeks until Joomla 4 Stable is released.

T4 Joomla template framework updated for Joomla 4

T4 Framework for Joomla 4 preview download

This preview release for Joomla 4 includes major updates as below:

  • Improved dashboard style
  • Improved dark theme
  • Fixed modal issue in back-end
  • Improved styles for all Joomla pages
  • Fixed and improve layout settings
  • Fixed editing module page in front-end
  • Fixed issues on Joomla register, login, forgot name & password, edit profile pages

Do not use it for your production projects

Joomla 4 is still in development phase, there will be updates at core, bug fixes and more improvements until stable version release. So, do not use it for your production project.

View demo Download T4 Framework for Joomla 4

Install T4 for Joomla 4 preview steps

Step 1: Access download page → and download the quickstart package.

download t4 framework for joomla 4

Step 2: install the quickstart package on your server

Install the quickstart as a normal Joomla installation on your preferred server. But make sure it meets the following system requirements:

Software Recommended Software Minimum More information
PHP 7.4 7.2.5
Supported Databases:
MySQL 5.6 + 5.6
PostgreSQL 11.0 + 11.0
Supported Web Servers:
Apache 2.4 + 2.4
Nginx 1.18 + 1.10
Microsoft IIS 10 + 8

Joomla 4 installation tutorial →

Step 3: explore the framework on Joomla 4

Joomla 4 discussion and support forum

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