
Last week, we released T4 Joomla page builder STABLE after 1 year of development. Today, we are releasing an update version with multiple improvements and bug fixes. Please check the details below:

joomla page builder updated

T4 Joomla Page Builder 1.0.1 update details

1. All website bundles updated for styling revise to work as demo site without extra setup for template

All pages and website bundles are updated so that they will have the same styling and demo content like the demo site without extra setup for your website template. T4 Joomla Page builder and its website bundles are designed to work with popular frameworks, templates and 3rd party extensions.

joomla page builder pages import

2. Pages style update feature

Each page and website bundle comes with custom style and you can update the style for your imported pages to get latest fixes, select the pages and hit the button Style Update and DONE.

joomla page builder pages import


  • Your custom for the page will be lost? The answer is NO, the update will override the default style of the pages.
  • Page style update failed, it could be the invalid page key, please check the instruction HERE

3. Page preview

This new feature allows you to quickly preview any page from the Page Manager dashboard without creating a menu item for pages. It is also helpful when you want to send the page to your clients for review before publishing it.

joomla page builder pages preview

What to expect on upcoming release?

T4 Joomla page builder next version is planned with following main updates:

1. New website bundles for Conference & Events

joomla events website bundle

2. Page import feature

This is not website bundle import, it is a new feature where you can import a page inside the Editor Dashboard. So the workflow is: Create a new page > Edit page > Import page > Update content and custom style.

joomla page builder page insert

Upgrade instruction

Simply download latest version of T4 Page Builder component and install. For more information, please check the upgrade instruction

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