Disable K2 comments
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loukasgr Sorry for problem with ftp , I change pass and seems all ok
The ftp details are working now however, The specific page entered in edit fields for which edits have been sought for, is now returning with 404 error henceforth, the modifications being done to specific file wont reflect due to specific page not rendering currently. Kindly check or you may let us know some other page where the specific menu type is being rendered from the site
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loukasgr As apparently seen, BT Social share plugin can be seen with K2 comments not rendering currently. Ref: Screenshot. Kindly confirm if it is fine now
loukasgr Hi again. My idea was to remove all the code between:
<div class="itemComments">
but You will still need to have K2 comments activated in settings. Facebook comments are attached to this layer so it is neccessary to show this layer, but code of k2 comments can be deleted so it will not render k2 commenrts.
Plus i notice with "comments" active i have "read more" and "leave a comment" showing on the right at the corners
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Good Day@aman204#50403 ,
I did it but nothing change :/
loukasgr Kindly check now. Ref: Screenshot as the facebook comment box can be seen now.
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loukasgr One last question about custom.css , I need to edit custom.css on CSS folder or in templar root folder ? -- a)Editing file "/css/custom.css" in template "ja_mitius"
You may edit the one quoted above located in css folder. For more details on working with custom.css file in T3 framework, Kindly view this documentation excerpt
Ok ! Thanks for all , and sorry for trouble