Hi Svend,

The team are working on your site now, there will be update today.


It seems that AdminTools on your site blocks access from my side, could you add exception for this IP?

8 days later

on what site? I can see that you logged in at one site, one time

    Hi gundestrup

    We updated pages on this site: Rutenskiklub.dk

    We're working other sites also, will keep you posted.


    We updated pages on your sites:


    We're working on this site: LungeKursus.dk

    Will keep you posted.


    We updated the remained site, kindly check.

    Dear Sir

    LungeKursus.dk is still not updated.
    Please check again, you last loggin in there 23/11/21

      Perfect, now it works.
      Any pipeline on php 8 compaterbility of the plugin?

        gundestrup We have plan to update to Joomla 4 and PHP 8 also, kindly wait for the update.

        3 months later
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