on what site? I can see that you logged in at one site, one time

    Hi gundestrup

    We updated pages on this site: Rutenskiklub.dk

    We're working other sites also, will keep you posted.


    We updated pages on your sites:


    We're working on this site: LungeKursus.dk

    Will keep you posted.


    We updated the remained site, kindly check.

    Dear Sir

    LungeKursus.dk is still not updated.
    Please check again, you last loggin in there 23/11/21

      Perfect, now it works.
      Any pipeline on php 8 compaterbility of the plugin?

        gundestrup We have plan to update to Joomla 4 and PHP 8 also, kindly wait for the update.

        3 months later
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