
I also agree with everything you wrote even if perhaps I didn't understand this sentence well.

"and the replacement of T3 templates with T4"

Unless you intend to replace T3 with T4 in those templates born with T3, which I don't think is a method that would allow customers to update pre-existing sites.

In my opinion, if they write as it happened 20 days ago:

"Below, we have some of the best Joomla templates for 2025, all from the pros at JoomlArt, to inspire your next project."

and 6 of the 10 templates are mentioned and are based on T3, these templates must then be supported and updated for a certain number of years.
Otherwise you are giving customers the wrong information by inviting them to use them for new projects for 2025.


hi "francus
I completely agree with what you say. I just don't have any websites with T3. And yes, I have also read the article, which I believe is a mistake by JA. That's why trust is very important. Since there are templates with T3 in the subscriptions, they should be supported for a certain period of time and this should be clear in advance. Personally, I would not start any project with T3 since there is T4, even if the template was perfect, because it is clear that T4 replaces T3, it is not another product, especially since JA has made it clear in relevant discussions here that migration from T3 to T4 is not possible.

7 days later

One month on and the original question has still not been answered, and of course another month without a template.
But of course we will all receive a free 5 month extension of our subscriptions won't we .... after all we PAID UP FRONT

Whilst I acknowledge the other topics the original post spawned, this post was about a fully paid commercial contract that has not honoured what was promised - not even a small miss of one month, it is now 5 months. How many members are you turning your back on ???

The last company that did exactly what you are doing now (yoo) have now all but disappeared from the Joomla scene.
They stopped producing monthly templates and instead created their own 'joomla inside a joomla' creating an environment that effectively locked you into their scripts and template templates.

Concentrate on your templates and I don't mean layouts etc we have plenty of examples from you. Hire a top notch graphic designer and give us monthly ideas (templates) that concentrate on good quality graphic design. Proper colour schemes that work together, colours that work with both dark and light variations (plenty are good on one variation and bad on the other)

I'm sure most of us here are more than competent when pulling a page or site together, your layouts are already varied and adaptable, whats missing is the graphic design options

Anyway, it probably doesn't matter if you don't honour your contract - hell, you might all have been on holiday somewhere for the last 5 months on our money - logging into to here every now and then to make sure the customers are pacified enough to resubscribe :-)

drarvindc I find it curious that this is your first post for nearly five years (last I see was Jul 25, 2019)
Are you the last one there ?

I am actively following this thread and I did make relevant reply above and now following it up with bug fixes / improvement updates for the products. Please refer to my earlier reply for the current direction of JoomlArt. I will keep updating this thread as I have more updates for you. I prefer to reply with results rather than just words.

Updates released today : (blog post & update emails to follow in few hours) :

T4 Framework version 2.4.3

  • Fixed issue: nl2br
  • Update T4 Framework for W3 standards
  • Prefer public menu to preview
  • Joomla 5.2 compatibility update

JA Masthead version 1.2.1

  • Joomla 5.2 compatibility update

JA Megafilter component version

  • Update for Joomla 5.2 support
  • Fix can not index or save a filter when an user set access for main menu != publish
  • PHP 8 Support for Docman, JoomShopping and Virtuemart
  • Joomla 5 Support for Docman, JoomShopping and Virtuemart
  • Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property on PHP 8
  • Update plugins for Docman and JoomShopping new version

JA Prodex template version 1.0.1

  • Joomla 5.2 compatibility update
  • Fix issue Double Slashes in Urls

JA Trip template version 1.0.1

  • Joomla 5.2 compatibility update
  • Particular item not appear under listings

JomSocial version 4.9.4

  • Update for Joomla 5.2 support
  • Fix bug on php 8.2
  • Fix several issues on pagination
  • New emoji picker on comment box

Let me know if there are open bug / issues that have not been fixed yet.

    5 days later

    You didn't make a 'relevant' reply, you didn't say when we could expect new templates as per the paid subscription.
    The fact you avoid the original question shows deceit ! It was a simple direct question about template releases.
    You have said nothing about the lack of templates.
    Actually as a long time subscriber, I am also alarmed that joomlart hasn't made their big Black Friday promo as every other year.
    What can this mean ?
    The biggest money pipeline of the year for online subscriptions for millions of businesses'.
    Nothing new coming to sell ??

    If I do not receive an honest answer I will be notifing Paypal, as 5 months after subscribing I have not received anything and I bet many thousands of new subscribers are in the same position but don't know whats going on.
    C'mon members, you are all being bent over ........

    As a former customer of Joomlart and someone who runs a larger-side Joomla site. Let me give my insights. J5 is great and the best version of Joomla ever. Yes Joomla's market-share is smaller than what it used to be. But there are still some die-hard users of the platform.
    Personally I never plan to leave Joomla unless it ends. And I run a large independent TV & Movie streaming website using J5. And we began with J1.5.
    Personally I hate page builders, I think they take away personalization for a dev or coder. I like using my own custom CSS and HTML to customize my site to my needs.
    We use Helix Ultimate (because it's the standard-bearer when it comes to a template, nothing against JA but just my opinion after switching), MyShortlist and YooTheme Zoo & Widgetkit. And everything else is stock Joomla. And then we use the HTML blocks in each extension to customize to our needs. Custom CSS & Overrides are your friend also.
    The issue is many Joomla template & extension providers are just giving up because they see a mass-exodus. It's not a mass-exodus. The issue is the free versions of templates are enough with Joomla out of the box. The market-share of Joomla vs Wordpress has stayed the same since 2020 and is still 2nd to Wordpress. Now yes J5 brought mass changes and some J extensions and template providers are using the changes as excuses to not update or make the changes. (See K2 for example and the biggest excuse ever their owner gave claiming that Joomla is dead due to its changes and requirements).

    At the end of the day Joomla is still thriving and actually needs its developers and people who run Joomla sites to be innovative. The other issue is the extensions and templates have become very stale. We need to see new stuff and innovative stuff again. Page-Builders were the next big thing when they arrived and people who don't having expert coding-skills they are perfect for and those of us who have coding experience choose just to use templates. Now it's time though for the devs to create the next big thing to rejuvenate Joomla again. Competition creates good business and right now there is zero competition.

    And I'm gonna give the best example, a few months ago I saw a new product called GK Framework run here on JA. I was really excited about the possibility of a more lightweight framework that was 100% customizable and more vanilla. Nothing but bugs and it now seems to have been abandoned. Last update was in April of this year, yet the same bugs still exist that I posted about months ago in that forum. GK Framework was a genius idea that just everyone seemed to have forgotten about. And I would've made the switch, I even purchased a subscription for the Sway template based on it as I loved the sidebar menu and had to cancel a day later due to it not working YooTheme extensions and tons of bugs. And that is a major issue with a lot of providers is nothing seems to be tested with other providers extensions. Some people like to mix-and match providers (different template/framework and extensions). And for one I'm really sad because GK Framework had such hope in its concept.

    If Joomlart wants to continue, I would focus on be different, again competition creates a healthy ecosystem. Maybe someone wants to use a hypothetical T5 Framework but extensions from other providers. Make sure it works. Astroid Framework is the biggest challenge to this as I've tried it in the past and it WILL NOT work with Zoo or Widgetkit at all and they refuse fix anything trying to blame YooTheme when it is literally a backwards issue with J3 in their code that is causing the issue.

    I'm hoping Joomla picks back up with providers and extensions. I love this platform and it's perfect for what I wanted to create. Yes Joomla is becoming better overall. My Pagespeed tests went from a C grade with J4 running JCH to a A grade with J5 without JCH installed. That should be the focus for all providers is J5. The old expression out with the old and in with the new. J5 has been out for a year now and develop for the now. But again be innovative, time for good competition. Make me want to or give me a reason to want to try your templates or framework vs someone else's. Right now it is very stale, I use Helix and don't have a reason to leave. I did with GK Framework but it was a mess and has so far not been corrected.
    Maybe it's even time for GK Framework and T4/5 to merge and become a lightweight framework/template, something to make people want to use JA over someone else. Just an idea because I prefer a more lightweight, customizable template/framework over a bloated one that has more features than what I will ever use. I want a template that I can edit files and not have to worry about hem being overwritten by a new update every month or few months. MJGA (Make Joomla Great Again).

    Hi @drarvindc
    I see you post reactions to the comments, you say you follow the thread.
    But could you also answer in a little more depth?
    You have evaluated the current situation of Joomla and you have stopped for a while.
    Now that you have made your evaluations what is the decision you have made?
    Many have asked regarding the templates, when do you plan to produce new ones we paid for?
    Thank you for the answers which I hope you can give us without waiting another month.

    Best regards


    Not only new templates, what about all issues and bug reports of the extensions you already have. I've a premium ticket with no answer at all.

    With due respect to all participants, this thread was not intended for bug reporting when it was opened.

    For that there is a whole forum with the appropriate sections in which to report them and to which, one would hope, get feedback.

    I would hope that here we can discuss whether we can count on these feedback in the following months/years.

    Thank you all for your understanding.

    14 days later

    So AI and all... cms like Joomla and Wordpress is dying you think?
    I like Joomlart and I hope you can release some new templates. As for now I am trying Joomshaper. Mosty because of their EasyStore module.

    Thank you for being a loyal customer. I understand your concerns about the templates and forum support. There have been some delays in template production, but we’re working to get back on track. I’ll also follow up on your forum question to ensure better response times in the future. We’re committed to providing reliable service and appreciate your continued support. If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out!

    I just wanted to circle back to this topic. I apologize for my absence but had a stay in the hospital to deal with. I do see there has been activity in updating / bug fixes and that to me is somewhat encouraging.

    To be honest I only use a couple of JA templates but choose to pay for a plan as opposed to buying individual templates as a way of supporting the developers.

    I have been in the website design and hosting business for almost 30 years. I am not wealthy but it has allowed me a decent income. I'm now slowing down but still wanting to maintain my current client base, thus I'm engaged in upgrading sites /templates to J5. As I previously mentioned I was a user of JoomlaShine until they closed their doors. That left me in a huge hole trying to upgrade. So my needs are rather simple as opposed to others who might be looking for the newest templates. I'm more concerned with the longevity and stability of existing products.

    As long as I see those at Joomlart engaging I'm happy.

    Let me make it clear that this is just my personal opinion. I'm not here to judge other responses as they have their own merits. I was frustrated at the pace with which Joomla has been moving from J3 -> J4 -> J5 and soon to be J6 but that's the nature of a competitive market and I'd much rather be catching up to an emerging technology as opposed to placing Band-Aids on a dying technology. It gives me a better appreciation for all that Joomlart has to handle with keeping pace with the changes.

    22 days later

    Although I was attracted by several mails with a good discount to prolong our subscription I didn't do this. I am a 'free user' now. Please inform us about the plans and what to do about missing 'targets'. Maybe we can prolong again.

      5 days later

      I think joomlart is dying. I am asking for support since nov 20- 2024 and nothing so far.

      I recommend to find another company ASAP. I already bought a subscription with a good company. send me a pm and I will share the name.

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