

Someone once said that when we dream a dream together, it will become reality.

My friends, the Joomla humble bundle is reality. Let’s cheer our glasses and give a toast to the success of the first milestone: $10,000 has been raised for the Joomla!Community (within less 2 weeks).


Good news for the JA Wall builders, new version of JA Wall now sports all new Christmas theme apart from the bug fixes and update for the latest K2 component version 2.6.2. Dress up your Wall website this season with all new Christmas theme.


Update 28 Jan 2013: Little too late, this deal is over.

The extensions marathon deal continues. With the increasing number of subscribers just few days after running the Hot Joomla Extensions Deals between Techjoomla and JoomlArt - which will end in 48 hours, we know you are thirsty for more extensions.

You don't have to wait long, more extensions are here for you to choose from. Our experienced Joomla developer friend 'corePHP' with years of experience in providing top-of-the-line products and services agreed to join hand to the Joomla 1M dream with their most popular extensions. For a complete and ultimate user experience, JoomlArt would bring on JATC and JAEC memberships.


Update 3 Jan 2013: Little too late! This deal is over!

The first deal of Joomla Humble Bundle, the one with our friends at JomSocial, has been up and running for 5 days and so far $4000 has been raised for Joomla Community.
We hope you enjoyed being part of it! And in case you didn’t knew about it, the deal is still waiting for you to pick up at our Bundle page, but time is running out, so hurry up!

Mayans predicted bu world did not end, similarly, the deals are not ending at our Joomla Humble Bundle, a new deal with RED hot partner redCOMPONENT is live now


When we worked on the Joomla humble bundle idea we received many questions where the money of the fund will end up. To be transparent, this blog post should keep you in sync to clarify this question.

We successfully accomplished two deals of Joomla Humble Bundles between us and JomSocial and redComponent. Two more deals are in progress. Thanks to the supports from all Joomla lovers and fans around the world. This is a good sign to consolidate the belief of JoomlArt and all our partners who have agreed to join us and make the $1M target feasible. We are working hard to bring on the most exciting deals to create a good cause for the Joomla Community.

Our team and all the volunteers, developers and businesses of commercial extensions and template clubs have been enjoying the growth of the Joomla Community since the foundation of Joomla. As a little gesture of gratitude, we want to contribute to this growth.
