
We have been going a long way toward achieving the $1M dream for Joomla Community. So far we have raised $28,965 USD for the community and this number will continue to go up. Now let’s push it up and make it to $30,000 with our 2 new deals, featuring Chill Creations and ThemePartner.

Joomla Humble Bundle - Save big time with Chill Creations, ThemePartner and JoomlArt

Joomla Templates deal between JoomlArt and ThemePartner:

Total value $217 for as low as $50.

Bundle deal between JoomlArt and Chill Creations

Total value $579 for as low as $70

ThemePartner - JoomlArt deal     Chill Creations - JoomlArt deal

Why should you purchase these deals?

Grab one of these deals (or both) and save yourself big bucks. Team up with ThemePartner in this deal, we continue to offer our best-selling membership JATC, have an access to our 115+ templates, plus beautiful responsive Joomla templates from ThemePartner: Alphara, Evalor and Avori.

Meanwhile, we offer JA JobBoard and JA Wall in a not-less-interesting deal with Chill Creations and their combo of 4 awesome extensions: ccNewsletter, ccDownloads, ccVAOM, ccInvoices.

Either you are a fan of JoomlArt, Chill Creations or ThemePartner, by purchasing our deals, you have contributed to the growth of Joomla Community. More or less, let join us and fulfill our Joomla 1 million dream.

Pick your favourite deal now! Or pick both! Limited time offer only.

Missing information?

To learn more about our Joomla Humble Bundle project, please refer to our first blog post. We have reached the 2nd milestone and $20,000 has been transferred to Open Source Matters, contributing to the development of Joomla community.

Together, we have made it this far and will steadily drive the $1M dream come true.

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