
Update 28 Jan 2013: Little too late, this deal is over.

The extensions marathon deal continues. With the increasing number of subscribers just few days after running the Hot Joomla Extensions Deals between Techjoomla and JoomlArt - which will end in 48 hours, we know you are thirsty for more extensions.

You don't have to wait long, more extensions are here for you to choose from. Our experienced Joomla developer friend 'corePHP' with years of experience in providing top-of-the-line products and services agreed to join hand to the Joomla 1M dream with their most popular extensions. For a complete and ultimate user experience, JoomlArt would bring on JATC and JAEC memberships.

corePHP JoomlArt Extensions deal

Joomla Humble Bundle between 'corePHP' and JoomlArt

  • 'corePHP': Wordpress for Joomla $59.99, JPhoto image gallery $29.99, jomCDN $29.95
  • JoomlArt: 3 months JATC Standard  $59 and 1 year JAEC Membership $50

Total value of $229 as low as $50

corePHP - JoomlArt deal

Why should you purchase this deal?

Our experienced partner 'corePHP', with years being the greatest choice for small businesses and Fortune 500 companies, knows what extensions your are craving for! Participating to the Joomla 1M dream project, 'corePHP' specially offers a package of their top sellers Plugins & Extensions:

  • WordPress for Joomla : Have all the power of the most popular blog system Wordpress inside your Joomla website - making blogging with Joomla fun, quick, and easy. Plus, Wordpress inherits the styles from your Joomla template, meaning your blog and website theme is always consistent.
  • jomCDN : This optimization plugin to dramatically speed up your website. You won't believe how fast your site becomes, which will result in higher conversions, more engagement, and of course, higher rank in Google.
  • JPhoto image gallery: Packed with great features, this component was developed with ease-of-use and SEO in mind. Built-in uploader save time for picture editing and uploading. You'll love to built dynamic, customizable photo galleries in snap.

Of course, the greatest extensions should go with complete membership of JATC 3 months and JAEC 1 year. This ONE ultimate chance only comes once, and only lasts for 6 days!

You may have missed information?

JoomlArt with all our beloved partners have kicked off 2013 with our first milestone $10,000 of our 1M! dream. The success of our previous deals, thanks to the friendship of our Joomla partners and supporters, confirms the feasibility of our project.

Stay tuned, we still have more deals for you to be excited ;)

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