Our Joomla site builder development is advancing at a amazing speed. This week we added 5 more features and other improvements. With this update our Joomla site builder tool is edging closer to a beta release. Did you know that our aim is to make it work with any Joomla template? Yes, that is what we aim to deliver for our members.
New features:
- Create new page
- Responsive view
- Load modules
- New block type: Spotlight
- Logo setting
- UX improvement

JA Site Builder new demo with more features and improvements
Create New page

Create new page in front-end
The feature of creating new page on front-end is ready. Hit the "Create Page" button on the tool bar and add info for the page. Please note that, this is JA Builder menu type, for Joomla menu type, you can create from Joomla back-end.
On new demo site, only superadmin has permission to create new page.
Responsive view

View created page in responsive layouts
The new feature allows you to view pages in responsive layouts: Large Desktop, Desktop, Laptop, Tablet and mobile.
Load module

Load module into menu or spotlight block
You can load module to main menu section or spotlight block, load module position or module
New block type: Spotlight

Create spotlight block with Spotlight block type
The new block type is to help you create spotlight section. You can configure number of column, assign modules to each coloumn.
Logo settings

Logo configuration
More settings to configure logo. There are 2 logo types: Text logo and Image logo. For text logo, you can add icon (Font awesome 4 and Materials icon) next to the logo.

Logo configuration
UX Improvements

UX Improvement
We are building a powerful Joomla site builder and make it intuitive for users with smart working panel, fields are well orginized and grouped to help user configure easier.